Quarter 1 -
*[ - ] Denotes 5th Block work
Week 1
Aug. - 13th - 16th, Into the Inferno
14th Century
13. Tues. - Welcome; Summer Check-in
14. Wed. - Inferno- I-VIII; Experiential Test, Inferno;
15. Thurs. - Inferno IX, X, XI
Week 2
Aug. 19th - 23th, Hell Continues
14th Century, Cont.
19. Mon. - B.S. work due, Inferno XII
[Into to Book Arts]
20. Tues. - Inferno XXV to XXXIV
21. Wed. - STUDIO, Inferno Project
[Into to Book Arts]
22. Thur. - B.S. WORKSHOP
(Groups A & B)
24. Fri. - Inferno Project Showcase
*Start reading The Island of Doctor Moreau
Week 3
Aug. 26th - Aug. 31,
15th Century
26. Mon. - Poem due; Intro. to
British Romantics; Preface to Lyrical Ballads;
We are Seven [Book Arts]
27. Tues. -British Romantics Cont.; Rime
of the Ancient Mariner
28. Wed. - WORKSHOP (Group A)
[Book Arts]
29. Thur. - British Romantics Cont.
30. Fri. - STUDIO TIME
Week 4
Sept. 2nd - 6th,
2. Mon. - Labor Day Holiday
3. Tues. - Poem due; TEST, The Island of Doctor Moreau
4. Wed. - The Island of Doctor Moreau
[M,R & H; Mark-up poems]
5. Thurs. - WORKSHOP (Group B)
6. Fri. - - STUDIO TIME
*Start reading Madness, Rack, and Honey
Week 5
Sept. 9th - 13th,
9. Mon. - Poem due; Romanticism
[Book Arts]
10. Tues. - Forms, Paul Valéry, the
alexandrine line
11. Wed. - WORKSHOP w/Peter Cooley
12. Thur. - Madness, Rack, and Honey
pg. 1-103, & Clive James essay
13. Fri. - STUDIO TIME
Week 6
Sept. 16th - 20th,
16. Mon. - Epistorlary Work
[Book Arts - Loyola]
17. Tues. - Epistorlary Work Cont.
18. Wed. - Madness, Rack, and Honey
pg. 104-155
[Book Arts - 414]
19. Thur. - STUDIO / READING
Madness, Rack, and Honey
pg. 155-199
Week 7
Sept. 23rd - 27th,
23. Mon. - poems due (Adam Clay &
Epistolary); BA posters due
Book Arts Presentations
[Book Arts]
24. Tues. - Madness, Rack, and Honey
pg. 200-309 (end)
25. Wed. - WORKSHOP - Epistolary
[Book Arts - Treasure Island]
26. Thur. - WORKSHOP - Epistolary
Week 8
Sept. 30th - Oct. 4th,
30. Mon. - FALL BREAK
1. Tues. - FALL BREAK
2. Wed. - WORKSHOP w/Adam Clay
3. Thur. - Parable of the Sower
4. Fri - Parable of the Sower
Week 9
Oct. 7th - 11th,
7. Mon. - Parable of the Sower, follow up
STUDIO (revisions)
8. Tues. - Peer Workshop
9. Wed. - Revision / Conferences
10. Thur. - "That Crafty Feeling," Zadie
11. Friday - Portfolio due;Submit to
all the things;
"On Keeping a Notebook," Joan Didion
*Start reading Frankenstein
Quarter 2 -
*[ - ] Denotes 5th Block work
Week 10
Oct. - 15th - 18th,
15. Tues. - Front matter of Eats,
Shoots and Leaves and Henry James, Art of Fiction
16. Wed. - PSAT 12:30 dismissal; no school grades 6,7, 12
17. Thurs. - (RCSF) Readings in
Contemporary Short Fiction A Private Experience
& 5 Short Stories by Lydia Davis
Week 11
Oct. 21st - 25th,
21. Mon. - STUDIO, Readings on
literary magazines, Paper Dreams , and The Chair of Rejection. Block Party
22. Tues. - short stories
due, workshop theater posters, Eats, Shoots and Leaves pg. 1-34
23. Wed. mark-up stories for
workshop, Block Party
Preparations, Bennington Submissions Conferences
[Book Arts - 414]
24. Thur. - tech for Block Party,
discuss Girl and Happy Endings, Block Party
25. Fri. - STUDIO, mark-up stories
for workshop, Bennington Submissions Conferences
Week 12
Oct. 28th - Nov. 1,
28. Mon. - FICTION
29. Tues. - Submit to Bennington,
Guest lecturer, History
of Literary Magazines
30. Wed. - Frankenstein, Open
[5th Block Canceled]
31. Thur. - Frankenstein
1. Fri. - STUDIO
*start reading Madame Bovary
Week 13
Nov. 4th - 8th,
4. Mon. - Excerpt from Stephen
King's On Writing (pg.17-31)
[Book Arts - 414]
5. Tues. - Gimpel the Fool & Eats, Shoots and Leaves pg.35-67
6. Wed. - PD Day, No Students
7. Thurs. - "Blue Girl," Elizabeth
Crane. Listen and read. Flash fiction writing & poster revision - STUDIO
8. Fri. - STUDIO - Prepare
submission forRattle, Studio in the Woods
Week 14
Nov. 11th - 15th,
11. Mon. - Eats, Shoots and Leaves,
pg.68 - 102 Submit to Rattle Young Poets Anthology
[Book Arts - 414]
12. Tues. - Flash Fiction #2 Due
Stephen King On Writing pg. 37-77
13. Wed. - Mark-up fiction,
[Book Arts - 414]
14. Thur. - Workshop, River of
Words Conferences
15. Fri. - Workshop, River of Words Submission Due
Week 15
Nov. 18th - 22nd,
18. Mon. - Eats, Shoots and
Leaves, pg.103 - 131, Books Arts terms pre-test.
[Book Arts - 414]
19. Tues. - Stephen King On
Writing pg. 77-137
20. Wed. - Swap a Story & prompt
[Book Arts - 414]
21. Thur. - Eats, Shoots and
Leaves, pg.132 - 176, STUDIO
22. Fri. - Amazing Event
Nov. 25th- 29th,
Thanksgiving Break
Week 16
Dec. 2 - Dec. 6th,
2. Mon. - Fiction due,
Workshop 3
share audio stories, street decisions, Indesign terms pre-test
[Book Arts - 414]
3. Tues. - Madame Bovary
4. Wed. - Madame Bovary
[Book Arts - 414]
Week 17
Dec. 9th - 13th,
10. Tues. - Eats, Shoots and
Leaves, pg.177 - 204, Stephen King On Writing pg. 141-208
Poetry Society of America Contest
11. Wed. - Revisions
12. Thur. - Revisions / Conferences
13. Friday - Conferences
Week 18
Dec. 16th - 20th,
9. Mon. - Exams, 1/2 Day
10. Tues. - Exams, 1/2 Day
11. Wed. - Exams, 1/2 Day
12. Thur. - Exams, 1/2 Day
13. Friday - Records Day, No Students