book arts:
Course description:
The “Art of the Book” is a fine arts course that introduces students to the history and foundations of publishing and allows them to explore both the conceptual and material basis of books and magazines. Emphasis will be on both the technique and the innovative possibilities of book making and digital publishing, with some investigation into the market and industry aspects of this art form.
For students to gain knowledge and basic mastery of skills necessary for designing and publishing literary content. By the end of this course, students should understand the art and craft of publishing in various digital and material forms. Students will produce practice and experimental books and magazines, as well as produce street online and in print. They will also assist CA-Prep Creative Writing Classes with the layout and design of graffiti, and design the accompanying promotional materials for these in-house publications.
Topics will include, but are not limited to:
History and foundations of publishing and the role media has in our global culture
Fundamentals of the page layout and image creation software used in the publishing industry (Indesign & Photoshop Basics)
Design fundamentals: typography, image research and assignment, prepress and manufacturing, and traditional and computer-based tools and equipment.
Basic understanding of the planning, development and management of print and digital content.
Exploration of various methods of digital publishing including e-books, digital magazines and web site creation
Development of book concepts, traditional and experimental
Methods of evaluating, editing, producing, distributing, and promoting content
Magazine design fundamentals: typography, image research and assignment, prepress and manufacturing, and traditional and computer-based tools and equipment. Each student produces a sample magazine through a workshop process of presentations and revisions
Book design and production: book and book jacket design fundamentals (design, typography, image research, prepress and manufacturing)
Break down of minutes for Carnegie Credit:
Needed for 1 fine arts credit: 7,965 minutes scheduled = 132.75 hours scheduled
Participation: 25%
Classwork: 25%
Portfolio: 25%
Workshop: 25%