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Level II

Level II is a critically transitional  year.


This course is for the student who has successfully completed Level I and been recommended for advancement. In rare cases, it is for the exceptional sophomore or junior whose audition demonstrates the artistic and intellectual achievement and maturity necessary to pursue advanced study in creative writing. Successful completion of this course is the second step toward fulfilling the requirements for the certificate of artistry.


By the end of the course, through reading, discussion, a developmental progression of writing activities, critique, and revision, students will learn and demonstrate:


  • advanced poetry writing skills, including a competent understanding of prosody; practice in writing formal verse, including blank verse, sonnets, villanelles, and sestinas; and various imaginative modes such as the dramatic monologue.

  • advanced fiction writing skills.

  • advanced critical reading skills.

  • advanced critical skills in book arts.

  • experience editing, producing, and promoting a literary magazine.


August: make sure summer reading and writing assignments are complete.


Mid-October: Submit work to River of Words and street online.


December: Submit work to Scholastic and street.


End of 3rd quarter: Contract work is due. A complete working bibliography and a rough draft of the paper.


March: street launch planning and participation


April: submit writing to multiple magazines, attend senior recitals


Late April: focused revision of work for a comprehensive final portfolio.

© 2019 by Dr. Campbell

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