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Week 1

Jan. 7th - 11th - Montaigne & Didion

7th - Intro. to creative non-fiction, Vivan Gornick, writing

8th - Michel de Montaigne "Of the

Custom of Wearing Clothes,"  "How to Live:"

9th - Montaigne & Joan Didion, "The

White Album"(pg. 11-33 Sections 1-5

10th - Didion documentary The Center

Will Not Hold 



Week 2

Jan. 14th-18th - Baldwin & Kincaid

14th - Gornick Quiz pg.6-13 & Writing

16th - I am Not Your Negro

17th - Quiz & discussion of "Letter from

a Region of my Mind"

18th - Kincaid, Discussion of "Girl"

19th - STUDIO TIME; 


Week 3

Jan. 21nd - 25th, Sontag & F. Johnson

21st - Dr. Martin Luther King Day

22nd - Discussion and quiz: Gornick pg. 13-26 & reading time

23rd - Quiz: Sontag "Unguided Tour"

24th - Discussion of  "The Future of



* start reading The Talented Ribkins


Week 4

Jan. 28th - Feb. 1st

28th - essay due, mark-up essays




1st - STUDIO TIME; submission day

*Directions for submitting


Week 5

Feb. 4th - 8th

4th - Revision Workshop - Nonfiction -

"S*** First Drafts

5th - Making Comics

6th - read The Talented Ribkins (Dr. Campbell out)

7th - Willow Street Lesson Designs

8th - Work on revision of essays,

read The Talented Ribkins

Week 6

Feb. 11th - 15th

11th - Test, The Talented Ribkins

12th - discuss Ribkins, read Fun Home 

13th - Revisions of Essays Due

14th - Quiz on Fun Home, discussion 

15th - Willow Street Practice, plans due


Week 7

Feb. 18th - 22nd

**Lesson plan practices with 6th grade

18th - Willow Street Lesson Plan Practice

19th - Willow Street Lesson Plans Cont.

20th - Intro & Reading of Maus, Part 1

21st - Quiz, Maus Part 1 (Maus II)

22nd - Guest lecturer

*Start reading 100 Years of Solitude


Week 8

Feb. 25th - Mar. 1st

25th - Essay revision workshop; comics

Comic Making, comic scripts due

26th - WORKSHOP of comics

27th - WORKSHOP of comics

28th- Willow Street Workshops

1st - Mardi Gras Break 

Week 9

Mar. 4th - 8th,

4th -  Mardi Gras Break 

5th - Mardi Gras Break 

6th - Mardi Gras Break 

7th - Test, 100 Years of Solitude (1/2)

8th - Discussion of 100 Years first 1/2

Week 10

Mar. 11th - 15th,

11th - Revision & Review of terms

12th -  Pre-ACT, ACT testing

13th - Portfolio due

14th - Terms Test 

15th - Records Day; No students


Quarter 3

Week 11

Mar. 18th-22nd

18th - Beginning playwriting

19th - Begin reading

"Writing the 10-Minute Play" (pg. 247-262)

20th - Quiz over

reading pg. 247-262)

21st - One-Act Plays, Chekhov's Gun



*Begin reading second half of 100 Years of Solitude

Week 12

Mar. 25th - 19th

25th - Writing the 10-Minute Play


26th - Writing the 10-Minute Play


27th - Dr. Campbell at AWP, 

STUDIO (10-minute plays)

28th - Dr. Campbell at AWP, 


Williams Event

29th - Dr. Campbell at AWP, Tennessee

Williams Event


Week 13

Apr. 1st - 5th

1st - Test, second half of 100 Years

2nd - Discuss second half of 100 Years

3rd - 100 Years of Solitude

4th - Decide and research open genre


5th - STUDIO

*Begin reading Proof


Week 14

Apr. 8th - 12th

8th - 10-Minute Plays Due (formatting)

9th - Mark-up plays - Workshop Plays

10th - Test, Proof

11th - Proof

12th - Proof


Week 15 / 16

Apr. 16th - 26th


& Spring Break


Week 17

Apr. 29th - May 3

29th - Open genre research / work 

30th - Open genre presentations

1st - Open genre presentations

2nd - Review of terms for exit exam that

coordinate with open genre work

3rd - STUDIO


Week 18

May 6th - 10th

6th - STUDIO, Open Genre

7th - STUDIO, Open Genre

8th - Open Genre work due, mark-up

9th - Open Genre Workshop

10th - Open Genre Workshop



Week 19

May 13th - 15th

13th - Revision / Review for Exit Exam

14th - Review for Exit Exam

15th - Revise / Review



CACW Level 1 Exit Exam / Final Portfolio


Quarter 4

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