Level 1
CACW - Level 1
Lusher Charter School
Dr. Campbell
Requirements & Readings
Required Materials:
Semester 1:
A Poetry Handbook, Mary Oliver
Grendel, John Gardner
Sula, Toni Morrison
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian, Sherman Alexi
Regular access to the internet to complete assignments and download materials from our course website and google classroom
Semester 2:
Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison
Assassination Vacation, Sarah Vowel
Additional essays (links & hardcopies provided by instructor)
Top Girls, Caryl Churchill
A Disappearing Number, Simon McBurney

Required Work:
Writings: original poems, stories, and creative nonfiction
Tests: course readings, key literary terms, literary analysis
Submissions: select contests and visiting artists
Portfolios: collections of revised work, including reflection
Special Projects: collaborative workshops and field trips
Participation: class conversations and peer critiques
EXIT Exam: end of course exam

Grading per quarter:
Writings and response to peer writings: 25%
Tests: 25% (2 Book Tests and 1 Quarter Exam)
Portfolios: 25% (1 per quarter)
Special Projects & Participation: 25%