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Course Organization

Weekly classes will be divided into craft talks, writing time, discussion of literature, and workshop sessions. Most weeks will begin with a craft focus that includes literary terms, followed by writing examples and writing prompts that explore our focus. The later parts of each week will be designated for workshopping creative work and further discussion and exploration of a particular craft element.

Course Requirements:

Workshop - 25%

You will submit four poems and two short stories for workshop over the course of the two quarters (10%). You will also read and mark-up your peers’ pieces (15%). When you are the primary responder to a piece of writing, you will lead the class conversation of the writing.

Notebook Entries - 25%

Everyone in class is required to keep a notebook for the length of the two quarters. This notebook is your creative writing bible. In it you will keep writing assignments, drafts of creative pieces, information on literary terms, and notes on new words you discover. I will collect these notebooks twice a quarter.

Tests, Quizzes & Portfolios - 25%

There will be quarterly tests that cover course readings, craft lectures, and vocabulary. Quizzes will be both scheduled and unscheduled. Expect at least five quizzes over the two quarters.

Participation & Projects - 25%

Participating in class conversations, and completing  google classroom assignments and participation projects, is necessary for the growth of all writers in our class. Your participation graded is dependent upon both your positive contributions as well as the consideration of negative class behavior (10%). Special projects (15%)

Required Materials:

You will need the following materials:

  • composition notebook, 100 sheets, wide ruled

  • pen, pencil, one highlighter (purchased by student)

  • selected course poems and short stories (distributed by Dr. Campbell)

  • Wonder (distributed by Dr. Campbell)

  • additional craft readings distributed in class or accessible through our google classroom

© 2018 by allison campbell

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